Monthly Archives: January 2020

Binary Search

Whenever I revisit binary search problems, I keep having to work out the edge cases whenever coming up with the algorithm. So I thought I’d make a note of the pseudo code template I always end up with: l=0, r=a.size()-1 … Continue reading

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Leetcode 45: Jump Game II

Only a linear solution will pass the leetcode tests. Use a three counters as we iterate: jumps, current steps left, next steps left. We only use next jump when we run out of current steps left. Continually update next steps … Continue reading

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Leetcode 30: Substring with Concatenation of All Words

Put words into hash map, step through each char in s checking for words in the hashmap. If we find a word then step through to the character after that match and attempt to match remaining words with the hash … Continue reading

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